At the start of the exam :
- we can see that it's write on the board, in large letters, "silence". But when Mr Bean sat down he began to speak with his partner. He answered him "Oh yeah" with a deep odd voice.
- After, always before the exam, he is in competition with his partner for pens... Because he want have more pens on his office than him. So when his partner take a pen, Mr Bean take a pen.
- All of a sudden, he take in his bag about ten pens and he put it on his office, taunting his partner. And he finished to take a cuddly toy which represent the Pink Panther.
During the exam :
- When Mr Bean saw the wording of the exam, he looks like completely afraid and he began to fedget.
- He makes strange things with his face and his exam's sheet, like to blow out the sheet or hide his eyes with his hands.
- One scene shows Mr Bean, with the Pink Panther, was chosing a pen and it's seems to be a difficult choice.
- He doesn't know the answers of the exam. So he began to cheat, looking the answers of his partner.
- He try to be discreet but he didn't arrive and his partner saw him. After that he pretend to think about his answers and to find.
- But he continued to cheat and trick his partner.
- He makes a very strange shout
Towards the end of the exam :
- He seems to become crazy : he lie down on the table and he blow out the exam of his partner
- He try again to cheat, pretending to search his pen under the table
- He began to cry, saying pathetically "mummy"
- 2 minutes before the end he seems to wake up and he write convulsively somes words about his sheet
When I have to write an important exam, I try to know my courses very well so when the day arrives, it's not very difficult. But when it's an oral exam, it's much difficult to me because I'm very anxious. in this type of situation I begin to forgot all I know about the course. After, during the exam, I can remember but I continue to tremble. And if I don't know the question or if I am no inspired it's more difficult. When I am writing an exam, I can feel panic. For example, when I take the exam sheet, I hope the question will be easy, and I hope she will be about what I know. But sometimes it's not the case and suddenly, when I see that I couldn't answer the question, I think "I will not arrive". I would like that all the time the exams be easy to me, but even if there are questions which are confused I try to answer something. So I gather one 's thoughts and I do what I can, writing what I think to be right.