Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Education system

Comprehension :

1. Katherine Birbalsingh believes that there is a problem with UK's education system. Can you identify it within the first three minutes of the video? What is the problem?

       For Katherine Birbalsingh, "the system is broken because he keeps poor children, poor". So she thinks children are not prepare to their study. Indeed, she says that teacher are not responsible to the children. To her mind, pupils have to be more responsible about their study, because it's not the case : they find excuses for their bad results and they accuse teacher, whereas they have to be responsible to themselves. Katherine Birbalsingh thinks the problem in UK's education is not the teachers but only children, who have to understand that to improve at school, they have to be in competition.

 2. Why does this problem exist according to this teacher?

     According to her, this problem exist because almost all people think that if children have not good results, it's not only their responsibilty but it also because of teachers. So it would be a problem of prejudice. 

3. What do the government ministers think about this problem? Who is to blame for the condition? 

     The first minister who speak says that school is very unfair. He says that teacher can't learn all at children, so it have to regard parents like an element of the education of their child. To him, the government do all he can do, and he support teachers. The second minister say that people believe in teacher. And they say that the problem is a complaints culture, because people would find problems in teachers which would be not justifiable. 

4. Which suggestions does Katherine make to improve the system? 

    She suggests that people be more responsible to themselves and to what they do. And she suggests to not looking after children if they don't have urge to be responsible. 

5. Which changes would Katherine make in the education system if she were given a choice?

    She would give priority to the teachers freedom. She thinks they would have to be more free in their choice of education : free to make difficult exam for example. 

In France 

       France is not a country which has got a good and effective education system. We can speak about several problems. When we are student or teacher the problems are obvious. We can notice, first of all, that the system is not appropriate to the aspirations of the pupils or the students. Indeed, to my mind, they needs more breaks during a day. At school, children have towards 7 or 8 hours a day. It's too long and when they back home, they don't want to study again. But this prolbem can be resolved easily, all the government have to do is to create a better maneer to study, with time to learn lessons at school, where children could be make their homeworks too. Because a problem of fairness is obvious too. And the two problems are link. Indeed, some pupils can be help by their parents after school whereas other pupils can't be help. So we can see a gap between pupils. The governement would put forward an other alternative. What is needed, for me, is to propose a time during school which would be a time of study. Thanks to that, pupils or students could study at school and it would be more fairness.